KSE Software
Schweidnitzerstr. 39, 40231 Duesseldorf, Germany
Windows CE - Orderform
Fax +49 211 209 966-11


Simply print this form, complete all the items below and send it to the above mentioned fax number.

Product item(s)

__   KSE Backgammon for Windows CE

*EUR 19.90

  Please choose your device type:
__ Handheld PC / __ Palm-size PC /
__ Pocket PC | __ Handheld PC 2000
All prices: ___ via post (excl. €/$ 7,- S+H)   ___  via Email, Registration # (incl. S+H) Total

Please fill in the requested data from the 'Registration dialog' of your Windows CE device. More information about how to register you will find at: http://www.ksesoftware.com/products/ce/registration

User-Name ________________________________________
User ID _ _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _ (3 x 5 Digits)
First name ________________________________________
Last name ________________________________________
Company ________________________________________
Street ________________________________________
Zip Code/ City _______ /_______________________________
Phone ________________________________________
Fax ________________________________________
Email ________________________________________

Credit card information

Credit card: ____ EuroCard/MasterCard ____ Visa

Credit card number: ________ ________ ________ ________

Valid thru: _____ /_____

  *Please notice that for European customers the currency of the above mentioned price is Euro (€) instead of US-Dollar ($).